lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Happy Birthday Rob ♥♥

Como todas saben hoy es el cumpleaños Número 27 de Rob, en este Post van a encontrar Fotos y videos que nos mandaron ustedes además también  Gifs, Fotos y videos que hay en la Red por el cumple de Rob que están muy buenos!!!

Happy birthday Robert Thomas Pattinson!
This is a very intelligent man. Writes well. Knows exactly what he’s doing. He also knows that he must be out of this short-lived type of role of Teen Stars.” - Werner Herzog
No one can compete with Robert Pattinson. He’s in a league of his own.” - Eddie Redmayne
He’s really easy going. And open – amazingly so considering he’s so closely scrutinised. He’s still managed to maintain a sense of self.” - Holliday Grainger
I got a lot of props myself, because the Rob fans are rooting for him to show what he can do as an actor and, therefore, they loved me for giving him the chance. That was their attitude, though my attitude was that I felt lucky to have Rob.” - David Cronenberg
Um, what is Rob really good at? He’s good at a lot of things! I think he was really great as Eric Packer.  And I think that was one thing that kind of surprised me, because I didn’t really know him very well. And in real life he’s very kind of… I mean, you heard him in the press conference: he’s British and he’s self-deprecating and he’s much more self-conscious [than his character]. And then all of a sudden he put on his suit, and this American accent would come out, and he would be so sure of himself and so powerful! And direct! And it was amazing to me to see that transformation of going from himself into Eric Packer. And I think that there’s few, few guys right now in the industry who can pull off that kind of powerful masculinity at such a young age.” - Sarah Gadon
It’s obvious that he’s a big star when you see the crowds he draws in on the croisette. He’s a huge star but he’s incredibly serious, an extraordinary movie fanatic and he’s incredibly intelligent compared to the image the media tried to paint him with for a few years now. He’s such a wonderful boy, he’s a movie star in the popular cinema for sure but he belongs in the auteur cinema too, in such a natural way. He’s an amazing guy! He has looks that help him become an actor but he uses them, put them on a different level. It’s all about his spirit, his heart and the emotions he has that talk and express themselves in this movie. He doesn’t show off/uses his looks. He’s really, really good.” - Pierre-Ange Le Pogam
I’m thinking it has nothing to do with what lives Robert (Pattinson) This is a guy I really like - and no I do not have his laptop, and I say this, because every time it’s the first thing you wonder. He is a sex symbol. It’s sexy and it just makes her look “romantic” for girls to crack. It is the perfect size to seduce girls - unlike me (laughs). He can be charming and cute, wild and sexy … I do not have this status: look at the photos in the press. When one puts us face-to-face, I always look a bit silly or I make faces, while he, he always has his eye as a womanizer!” - Daniel Radcliffe
He’s great. And oh my God, so handsome! What surprised me was his dedication. He would film all weekend long, then spend the week on the Twilight [set], then another weekend filming, then more Twilight… And he still had that lightness, humility. He’s very grateful for everything he’s been living.” - Reese Witherspoon
Robert is beautiful. Almost more beautiful in person than on screen. He is also a good actor. He will make a great career, there will not be only Twilight in his career.” - Uma Thurman
He’s great, he’s really an awesome guy. I had a lot of fun working with him. He’s so professional, he comes to set with no expectations or attitude. None of these things you worry someone of his level of fame is going to have.” - Christina Ricci
I also think that, believe it or not, Robert Pattinson has got a real artistic soul and is going to get better and better. he wants to be great, and I think he will be.” - Tom Sizemore
Rob [Pattinson] is my favorite person to work with, he really surprised me. I didn’t expect him to be that funny, I thought he was going to be a quiet guy, but once you start talking to him he is hilarious, I couldn’t stop laughing.” - Boo Boo Stewart

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• Que tengan los mismos argumentos de siempre "Envidian a Kristen porque ella es perfecta","Envidian a Kristen porque ella sale con Rob y uds no","Dan pena,perras feas,seguro son tan feas.. " Etc,etc. ABURREN. SEAN CREATIVAS

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