Take Me Out To the Ball Cage:
Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner met up for an afternoon at the batting cages with friends in LA yesterday. Kristen arrived in a plaid shirt and cutoff shorts and sipped on a Red Bull, but later changed into a baseball tee and donned a helmet to show off her swing. When she wasn’t up to bat, she and a pal watched Taylor hit balls from a nearby bench. (xx)
Liar Liar, Pants Should Be On Fire:
I am somewhat confused, once again, two days before the Oscars, KS allegedly sliced her foot opened which, by her words, left a big gash on her foot. Yet? She wore no bandage on her foot when she attended the Oscars on February 24 or the day after when the paps snagged her coming out a back door as you can see in the pictures. On March 5th, she went out partying with her friends, again, no bandage on either of her ankles; yet here she is, some 18 days after the alleged sliced foot accident when her “gash” would have properly healed to the extent that she would not need such a huge bandage, she is bandaged up the wazoo. Is she different from everyone else on the planet wherein her healing gets worse over time and not so bad at the onset? Or should we all be singing “liar liar, pants on fire?”
LOL definitivamente la chica a tenido un milagro!!! es la primera vez que veo una lesión o corte en el pie que se cure tan rápido...
yo le tendría que pedir la receta, por que yo hace 6 mese que me lastime el tobillo y todavía me duele y se me hincha...
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•Que estén escritos incorrectamente (Es decir, se PROHIBEN LAS FALTAS ORTOGRÁFICAS) Entiendo que las robsten no lo comprendan pues su única neurona no les permite la realización de la sinapsis (Apuesto que ni saben que es eso).
• Que tengan los mismos argumentos de siempre "Envidian a Kristen porque ella es perfecta","Envidian a Kristen porque ella sale con Rob y uds no","Dan pena,perras feas,seguro son tan feas.. " Etc,etc. ABURREN. SEAN CREATIVAS
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