Just for fun.
“The Adventures of Rob and Reese.”
Reese: Rob what is it now? Why are you always calling me?
Rob: You never answer my texts, so I called. You are the only one I can trust and I need your help.
Reese: Dam straight. Don’t tell me you have been photographed, and please tell me that bitch was not around.
Rob: Well……… It was her Mom that asked me to Sushi, and she was there.
Reese: The old Sushi ploy….. When are you going to learn? I can hide you out at the farm with Honky Tonk and Bdonk a Donk.
Rob: The Donkeys Reese? ……. Why do I have to stay with the Donkey’s?
Reese: Take it or leave it. My husband is already thinking you are a little too attached to me. If I was you I would get my ass on a plane and head back home to England. Spend some quality time there.
Rob: Okay, but when I come back she will still be here.
Reese: I offered to take care of her after the fuckery she caused at our premier. Just let me know Rob and I will take care of that Psycho Bitch if you want me to.
I will leave the rest of the conversation for your imaginations..
Fuente imanonsten
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•Que estén escritos incorrectamente (Es decir, se PROHIBEN LAS FALTAS ORTOGRÁFICAS) Entiendo que las robsten no lo comprendan pues su única neurona no les permite la realización de la sinapsis (Apuesto que ni saben que es eso).
• Que tengan los mismos argumentos de siempre "Envidian a Kristen porque ella es perfecta","Envidian a Kristen porque ella sale con Rob y uds no","Dan pena,perras feas,seguro son tan feas.. " Etc,etc. ABURREN. SEAN CREATIVAS
• Aquellos enunciados que no tengan cohesión alguna.
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